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Canrenone br Possible reasons for the divergent results
Possible reasons for the divergent results for the predictive value of PES for cardiac events First, there were methodological differences in the stimulation protocols used for PES, including the number of extrastimuli, the minimum coupling interval used (up to 200ms or refractoriness), the site
Therefore it is necessary to identify
Therefore, it is necessary to identify the accuracy of ECG in predicting a spontaneous syncope. Some waterproof Holter ECGs are commercially available; however, their use is not yet widespread. Moreover, patients may not experience syncope symptoms during the recording period. Given that the ILR can
On behalf of the Japanese Heart Rhythm
On behalf of the Japanese Heart Rhythm Society (JHRS), I am pleased to announce that we JHRS are merged with the Japanese Society of Electrocardiology (JCE) in 2015. Both societies have about 30-year history since their establishments, and have contributed to the development of sciences, education a
Despite our best efforts the cause of SCD in young
Despite our best efforts, the cause of SCD in young individuals is sometimes not established; no cause is identified in up to 40% of cases. Importantly, whether a cause of death is established or not, the possibility of an underlying inherited cardiac disorder remains in many cases, including the po
AZD8186 El t tulo del poema define una intertextualidad
El título del poema define una intertextualidad que se refuerza tipográficamente por medio de las cursivas del primer verso. La diferencia gráfica entre las palabras que integran este verso resalta el signo de la negación —el adverbio “no”— expresando una contradicción que culmina en los dos versos
Naproxen Sodium Si bien esta amerita un an lisis detallado
Si bien esta amerita un análisis detallado, me detendré en algunas cuestiones que considero clave para entender el modo en cómo resuelve Vigil la integración del pasado colonial. En primer lugar, aparece ya una clara intención de situar Naproxen Sodium éste como los orígenes de lo que será la nació
Stroke is second only to ischaemic heart
Stroke is second only to ischaemic Tanshinone IIA disease as the leading cause of death worldwide; one in six people will have a stroke in their lifetime. , on October 29, reminds us of these striking facts and the need for individuals to know the risk factors. Although the main risk factors for st
However despite the strength of the research by Shawar
However, despite the strength of the research by Shawar and colleagues, any given process tracing case study can always be improved. In relation to this Article, the empirical tracing of causal processes could be strengthened further in future research, in particular by telling us more explicitly w
La Proclama se alaba que las Fuerzas
La “Proclama” señalaba que las Fuerzas armadas asumían la conducción del Estado con el propósito de “terminar con el desgobierno, la corrupción y el flagelo subversivo.” En Guatemala, el “Comunicado Urgente al Pueblo” inmediatamente después del golpe del 23 de marzo de 1982 decía que: “El ejército
In the management of BrS patients it
In the management of BrS patients, it is important to avoid or treat certain drugs or circumstances such as a febrile state, electrolyte disturbances (hyperkalemia and hypercalcemia), and the use of class Ia/Ic antiarrhythmic drugs, vagotonic agents, beta-adrenergic antagonists, tricyclic antidepre
br Benign bone tumors br Giant cell tumor of
Benign bone tumors Giant cell tumor of jaws [GCT] GCTs arising in the head and neck region constitute approximately 2% of all GCTs. They are locally aggressive, recurrent and non-metastasing. Neoplastic giant cell are very rare in jaws. GCT usually occurs in children and young adults, predomin
A number of clinical studies have confirmed
A number of clinical studies have confirmed the beneficial effect of ranolazine in either prevention or treatment of AF. The first strong evidence was provided by MERLIN-TIMI 36 trial [the Metabolic Efficiency With Ranolazine for Less Ischemia in Non–ST-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome–Thrombolysis
UCM05 Cholangiopathies are a group of rare
Cholangiopathies are a group of rare diseases whose primary or secondary target is the cholangiocyte. The onset and subsequent development processes of cholangiopathies are extremely diverse, with causes that are genetic, neoplastic, immune-mediated, idiopathic, infectious, and toxin- or drug-induce
Percebemos ent o tentando tra ar uma linha que amarre
Percebemos, então, tentando traçar uma linha que amarre as discussões dos intelectuais mencionados, que as revoluções cubana e sandinista foram representadas positivamente na revista Araucaria de Chile, através de argumentos relacionados ao desenvolvimento e à popularização da cultura após (S)-AMPA
In the wake of these commitments comes a reminder of
In the wake of these commitments comes a reminder of the enormity of the task at hand. In , Alexandre Delamou and colleagues present data on the lasting effect of the Ebola virus disease epidemic on maternal and child health-care services in the rural Forest region of Guinea—the location of approxim
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